This application provides an api for verifications on dmn tables.

How can i use this api?

Root path: /api


Get all verifications from all verifiers with the given dmn table

The token parameter is optional for some metric statistics.

Verification types

Get a list of all active verification types

Get all verifications for the given verification types a and b

The token parameter is optional for some metric statistics.

Verification Config

Get all verification types and the boolean value of their active state

Set the config to enable/disable a verification type

Set "true" or "false" for the active state of the verification. If "false", no verification will be computed.


Get some statistics about execution times

The token parameter is optional for some metric statistics. The default value is 'all'.

Action Config

Get global the action config

Get "true" or "false" for the global action creation setting. If "false", no actions will be created.

Set global the action config

Set "true" or "false" for the global action creation setting. If "false", no actions will be created.

Get configs for allowed actions scopes and action types

Get a list of action types

Get a list of action scopes

Set the boolean for the allowed action type / action scope


  • GroupId: dmn-verifier-api
  • ArtifactId:
  • Version: 0.10.22
  • Quarkus: 3.1.2.Final
  • Camunda DMN: 7.19.0